Sunday 24 January 2016

Rdum Tal-Madonna: January 22nd 2016

Wind-chasers in the distance

A late afternoon visit to Rdum Tal-Madonna revealed a high count of 18 Black Redstarts, alongside Meadow Pipits and Western Stonechats in the Garrigue, and Chiffchaffs and Robins in the scrub.

A Golden Plover flew north calling, possibly an escapee as many of this species are held in captivity on Malta

A seawatch turned up the usual Yellow-legged Gulls and Sandwich Terns but the undoubted highlight were the Yelkouan Shearwaters that began to appear in small flocks after 17:00. Although at least 3km away, their size, distinctive flight and counter-shaded plumage were diagnostic.

Their name 'Yelkouan' derives from the Turkish 'wind-chaser', a suitable name for the species although the lack of wind on this occasion kept them from showing off their acrobatic abilities.

Moonrise over the Mediterranean

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