Sunday 17 January 2016

2015 - A Retrospective

A year of travel and fieldwork

After a busy Christmas season and one week into a new job, I'm taking advantage of this stormy weekend to look back over 2015 and pick out some highlights.

The year turned out to be one of the busiest I can remember, here is a quick run-down:

January - Australia. The last of a four month position collecting data on Red-winged Fairy-wrens for Australia National University in WA.
169 species seen.

Red-winged Fairy-wren Malurus elegans.Western Australia 2015

February/March - Thailand. Ten days birding in Phetchaburi Province with Kaeng Krachan Nature Reserve on the Burmese border being the highlight.
229 species.
I then worked in Henan Province, China for Beijing Forestry University on Black-throated and Silver-throated Tits.
100 species.

Red-billed Blue-magpie Urocissa erythroryncha. Henan, China 2015 (photo by Josefina Pehrson).

April - UK

May/June/July - USA. I worked the seabird breeding season on the Farallone Islands, California, for Point Blue Conservation Science.
222 species.

Tufted Puffin Fratercula cirrhata. Farallones, California 2015 (photo by Julia Gulka).

August - UK

September/October/November - Eilat, Israel. Worked as a Ringer in one of Europe's greatest migration hot-spots.
283 species.

Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse Pterocles lichtensteinii. Eilat, Israel 2015

December - UK

A fantastic year filled with great people and birds, let's hope 2016 can live up to it!

Total species seen: 769
Total countries visited: 6
Total continents visited: 4
Total blue whales seen in a single hour: 24! (Farallones, California)

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